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Crypto scams: what, why and how?
Let’s start with two basic questions: How different is a crypto scam compared to other financial scams?...
Ransomware attacks & cryptocurrencies: what, why and how?
In short, ransomware is a type of illegal software designed to block access to a device or computer system...
An introduction to crypto hacks and exploits
Incentivised by the money inflows in crypto assets, malicious actors and groups have found ways to steal...
Mexico’s crypto scene is on the rise
Mexico has seen a rise in both the popularity of cryptocurrencies and interest in the blockchain technology...
Chile begins regulating digital assets
Countries across the Latin American region have been affected by severe devaluation of their local currencies,...
On-chain data analysis fundamentals: what, why and how?
This article aims to provide you with an overview and introduction to on-chain data analysis — we will...
Overview Of Measures To Detect And Prevent Money Laundering And Financing Of Terrorism Involving Digital Assets
Digital assets are susceptible to illicit activities, including money laundering and financing of terrorism...
A closer look at Colombia’s regulations
The popularity of cryptocurrencies is growing in Colombia, yet adoption is still at an early stage: It...
Crypto regulations in Argentina
Within the Latin America region, Argentina is one of the countries at the forefront of cryptocurrency...
Brazil’s approach towards crypto
The popularity of cryptocurrencies in Brazil is increasing rapidly. The 2022 Global State of Crypto presented...
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Approach of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) towards crypto
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) — Singapore’s central bank and integrated financial...
EU Digital Finance Package: DLT Pilot Regime
An introduction to the DLT Pilot Regime
On June 22nd, 2022, the European Union (EU) — wide Regulation on a Pilot Regime for market infrastructures...
FAQ about Switzerland's DLT Act
Switzerland’s DLT Act: An FAQ answering the most prominent questions
On August 1st, 2021, the Federal Act on the Adaptation of Federal Law to Developments in Distributed...
EU reaches provisional agreement on transfer of funds regulation
EU Policymakers reach provisional agreement on proposal updating the transfer of funds regulation
According to a press release from the Council of the European Union (EU), dated June 29th 2022,...
UK Government published results of consultation on money laundering rules
The UK Government published the results of its consultation on money laundering and terrorist financing rule
In June 2022, the UK Treasury announced in the report Response to the Consultation that its...
Switzerland's regulations to combat money laundering related to cryptocurrencies
Overview of Switzerland’s regulatory mechanism to combat money laundering related to cryptocurrencies
Globally, the cryptocurrency industry is subject to illicit activities, notably money laundering — read...
EU Digital Finance Package: Regulation of Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCa)
An introduction to the Regulation of Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCa)
Crypto based assets are one of the major applications of the blockchain technology in finance and gain...
Money laundering risks related to cryptocurrencies
Money laundering risks related to cryptocurrencies
The cryptocurrency industry has emerged largely in an unregulated space, making it subject to illicit...
How the EU Parliament addresses new crypto tracing laws
How the EU Parliament addresses new crypto tracing laws
On 31. March 2022, European Union lawmakers, through two committees in the European Parliament, jointly...
Actionable insights to manage and mitigate risks
The next generation cross-chain solution to fight and prevent financial crime
Protect the integrity of your digital asset transactions with trusted tools we are building for the borderless...